Welcome to Your Clinic’s Health, Weight & Fitness!

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This branch of your clinic was born out of my commitment to bring health to my patients with a proactive approach in mind. Your Clinic’s Health, Weight & Fitness will help patients focus on preventive measures that will promote a healthy lifestyle. Good nutrition and fitness are the building blocks of a healthier you.

Obesity has reached epidemic proportions in our country. Studies show that 72 million adults are obese and that 90% of diabetics are overweight. Obesity is a chronic medical condition that can cause multiple co-morbid problems such as:

  • Diabetes
  • Hypertension
  • Arthritis
  • Sleep Apnea
  • Heart & Kidney disease
  • Dyslipidemia
  • Low self esteem
  • Depression and more

The universal cure for obesity is in your hands. It requires motivation to changing your eating habits to lose weight, and adding exercise for weight maintenance. This can be done without affecting your relationships if we change with moderation little by little. This new lifestyle we hope will be contagious and translate to better healthy lifestyles in our families.

The providers of Your Clinic are genuinely willing to help you persevere in your weight loss goals. You just need to be ready to commit to a partnership based in honesty and education delivered in a fun and non-judgmental way. Longevity without fitness just extends life into an existence with pain and disease. Fitness is a preventive measure that will project health into fun, quality living. Weight loss requires a long term commitment to change… critical, judicious eating and regular exercise are the key.

If you are ready for this commitment, this program is for you.